What is OmniScript? OmniScript is a proprietary, server-side, interpreted or compiled scripting language for the OmniPlus System, a COBOL based financial application. It is a VBA type scripting language which provides access and update capability to the OmniPlus database, and access to internal operations.
When I started, I knew next to nothing about the scripts I started looking at. There were no good training materials available to me so my training was much like getting dropped into the pool to learn how to swim. Thankfully my past experiences with programming, limited as they may have been, provided a good foundation for learning this new language.
My first tasks were making modifications and enhancements to existing processes and reports. With each one I studied what was being done in the scripts, tracing the structure and flow. I quickly got a sense of things and soon came to enjoy scripting.
Less Visual (sort of)
Because my work with Access was much more visual than looking at code and seeing data showing up in files and transactions, I was unsure at first if I would like it as much. Now though, I can say that I enjoy writing code more than anything else I have done. I like designing and structuring the logical flow needed to gather data and accomplish tasks. While I spend a lot of time just looking at text, in my mind I'm visualizing the structure of my program, seeing how the many details work together, step after step, to accomplish what's needed.
As I modified scripts and wrote new things I learned about OmniScript quickly. Neither my boss nor I expected it, but within six months I was assigned with writing a whole new product we wanted to offer our clients. I'll write more about that and OmniScript in future posts.
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