That led to me getting my first certification, a Java Level 1 certification. Then through a Complete Web Developer course from Codestars, which I had purchased and planned to get to at some point, I started learning more and working on more certifications.
As I wrote about some time ago, I had written my first websites back in about 1994 using basic HTML. Now I've had a lot of fun getting up to speed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've enjoyed working on the projects in the course and was also able to program a Nooka clock in short order. I enjoy having that run on my desktop at work all the time now.
Having completed the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript level 1 certifications, I'm now starting to learn jQuery.
Knowing that some of my app ideas could also benefit from a web version, I knew that I wanted to learn some more web development at some point and now I'm really having a great time doing so.